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Fair Market Value is calculated by dividing the properties total assessed value by the average assessment ratio. This ratio is applied to all property, including personal property, regardless of type or location of the property.
School Mill Rate – The mill rate is the total amount of the tax apportionment (levy) divided by the total local equalized value for that taxing jurisdiction. This rate is expressed in mills per dollar of value or the amount per $1,000 of the equalized value of the property.
Breakdown of the Winneconne Community School District on your recent tax bill
Here is a helpful link from DPI https://dpi.wi.gov/sfs/finances/property-valuation
Levy increases on tax bills could be related to increases in equalized value for existing homeowners (an existing taxpayer’s home/property being valued more this year compared to last).
Its helpful to review your equalized, or fair market, value from one year to the next to see if this is a true statement.
Overall equalized values for property within the district increase by 15%. Please use the following link for a breakdown by municipality.
Equalized Values by Municipality
School District Total Levy
2022-2023 - $9,593,066
2023-2024 - $11,696,975
Contributing factors for levy increase for 2023-2024
State Budget – The state increased the funds available to operate via the revenue limit per- pupil and low revenue ceiling (LRC) increase (an additional $1,000/student) in the biennial budget but didn’t match the increase with an equal offset in equalization aid (levy relief). In 2023-2024 WCSD received less in equalization aid:
Equalization Aid
22-23 = $8,124,953
23-24 = $7,901,664
School District Mill Rate
2022-2023 - $6.22
2023-2024 - $6.58
State Average - $7.18